教授/森田貴雄 博士(医学)・理学修士
講師/竹澤晴香 博士(歯学)
近年、医療場面では患者さんのQOL(Quality of Life/生活の質)を向上させることが重要視されています。唾液を十分に分泌することは、特にさまざまな治療を受けている患者さんにとって、非常に重要なことです。なぜなら、唾液は口腔を潤し、食物を飲み込むのに不可欠で、また、歯を齲蝕から防ぐ役割も持っているからです。
- ドライマウス治療薬(唾液分泌促進薬)による唾液分泌亢進の分子機構の解明 Investigation of molecular mechanisms in salivary secretion induced by a therapeutic drug for dry mouth.
- 口腔乾燥症モデル動物における唾液および唾液腺の病態生化学的解析 Pathological biochemistry on saliva and salivary glands in animal models of xerostomia.
- 受容体刺激による細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明 Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of intracellular signaling through receptor stimulation.
- 頭頚部癌における光免疫療法と蛍光イメージング Photoimmunotherapy and fluorescence imaging for oral and maxillofacial malignant tumor.
- 生化学
- 口腔生化学
- 唾液と唾液腺
- 生体機能調節学
- 分子生命科学実習
生化学講座 研究年報
Fukushima T, Nashida T, Haga-Tsujimura M, Mataga I. Chitinase expression in parotid glands of non-obese diabetic mice. Oral Diseases 2012; 18: 506-512.
Imai1 A, Yoshie S, Haga-Tsujimura M, Nshida T, Shimomura H. Exocyst subunits are involved isoproterenol-induced amylase release from rat parotid acinar cells. Eur Oral Sci 2012; 120: 123-131.
Nashida T, Sato R, Haga-Tsujimura M, Yoshie S, Yoshimura K, Imai A, Shimomura H. Antigen-presenting cells in parotid glands contain cystatin D originating from acinar cells. rch Biochem Biophy 2013; 530 : 32-39.
Suphasiriroj W, Mikami M, Shimomura H, Sato S. Specificity of Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 to Neutralize Periodontopathogenic Lipopolysaccharide Activity in Human Oral Fibroblasts. J Periodontol 2012; 84: 256-264.
Nashida T, Yoshie S, Haga-Tsujimura M, Imai A, Shimomura H. Atrophy of myoepithelial cells in parotid glands of diabetic mice; detection using skeletal muscle actin, a novel marker. FEBS Open Bio 10.1016/j.fob.2013.01.009.
Isemura S, Imai A, Saitoh E, Isemura M. Unusual amplification in polymerase chain reaction for a plasmd containing an insert derived from bovine genomic DNA. Natural Science 2012; 4: 386-394.
Imai A, Ishida M, Fukuda M, Nashida T, Shimomura H. MADD/DENN/Rab3GEP functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab27 during granule exocytosis of rat parotid acinar cells. ☆Arch Biochem Biophys 2013; 536: 31-37.
Shimomura H, Imai A, Nashida T. Characterization of cysteine string protein in rat parotid acinar cells. ☆ Arch Biochem Biophys 2013; 538:1-5.
Sohda M, Misumi Y, Ogata S, Sakisaki S, Hirose S, Ikehara Y, Oda K. Trans-Golgi protein p230/golgin-245 is involved in phagophore formation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015;456:275-281.
【原 著】
Ishida R, Yamamoto A, Nakayama K, Sohda M, Misumi Y, Yasunaga T. GM130 is a parallel tetramer with a flexible rod-like structure and N-terminally open (Y-shaped) and closed (I-shaped) conformations. ☆FEBS J. 2015; 282: 2232-2244. doi : 10.1111/febs.13271.
【著 書】
1) Yoshimura K, Nashida T, Mikami M, Kageyama I (分担) : A simple electroporation method of green fluorescent protein-transfection and in vitro imaging of organ-cultured embryonic lingual tissue. A. Méndez-Vilas : Microscopy and imaging science: practical approaches to applied research and education. 1版, Formatex Research Center, Badajoz, Spain, 2017, 11-17. ISBN-13: 978-84-942134-9-6.
【原 著】
*Mizuhashi F, Koide K, Toya S, Nashida T. Salivary level of antimicrobial protein chromogranin A in relation to the salivary flow rate and swallowing function. ◯Med Res Arch. 2016; 4: 1-13. doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/mra.v4i7.726.
*坂井幸子, 坂本 信, 林 孝文, 坂井 淳, 下村‐黒木淳子, 梨田智子. マイクロCTによる脱落歯のミネラル密度評価--低フォスファターゼ症例への応用--. ◯実験力学. 2016; 16: 122-126.
*Sasagawa I, Oka S, Mikami M, Yokosuka H, Ishiyama M, Imai A. Immunohistochemical and western blotting analyses of ganoine in the ganoid scales of lepisosteus oculatus: an actinopterygian fish. ☆◎J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol). 2016; 326B: 193-209. doi : 10.1002/jez.b.22676.
Matsuda K, 大森みさき, 土田智子, 三上正人, 両角祐子, 三富純子. An analysis of the periodontopathic bacteria involved in extrinsic discoloration of Teeth. ◯◇J Dent Sci Ther. 2016; 1: 1-4. doi : http://verizonaonlinepublishing.com/PDF/Dental/JournalofDentalScienceandTherapy6.pdf.
煤賀美緒, 大森みさき, 土田智子, 三上正人, 両角祐子, 三富純子, 佐藤律子 (12th) (13 authors). 不織布を用いた舌清掃器具の舌苔除去効果の検討. ◯日口臭誌. 2016; 7: 27-35.
*Hayashi-Sakai S, Numa-Kinjoh N, Sakamoto M, Sakai J, Matsuyama J, Mitomi T. Hypophosphatasia: Evaluation of size and mineral density of exfoliated teeth. ◎J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016; 40: 496-502. doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.17796/1053-4628-40.6.496.
【原 著】
*Mizuhashi F, Koide K, Toya S, Nashida T. Oral dryness caused by calcium blocker -Comparison with saliva of healthy elderly persons and patients with Sjögren's syndrome-. ◯Med Res Arch. 2017; 5: 1-12. doi : http://www.journals.ke-i.org/index.php/mra/article/view/1516/1262.
*Saitoh E, Sega T, Imai A, Isemura S, Kato T, Ochiai A. The PBII gene of the human salivary proline-rich protein P-B produces another protein, Q504X8, with an opiorphin homolog, QRGPR. ☆◎Arch Oral Biol. 2018; 88: 10-18. doi : 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2018.01.006.
*Shimomura-Kuroki J, Nashida T, Miyagawa Y, Sekimoto T. The role of genetic factors in the outbreak mechanism of dental caries. ◎J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2018; 42: 32-36. doi : 10.17796/1053-4628-42.1.6.
*Nashida T, Shimomura-Kuroki J, Mizuhashi F, Haga-Tsujimura M, Yoshimura K, Hayashi-Sakai S. Presence of BPIFB1 in saliva from non-obese diabetic mice. ☆◎Odontology. 2018; 106: 117-124. doi : 10.1007/s10266-017-0312-7.
【原 著】
*Hayashi T, Arai Y, Chikui T, Hayashi-Sakai S, Honda K, Indo H. Clinical guidelines for dental Cone-beam computed tomography. ☆◎Oral Radiol. 2018; 34: 89-104. doi : 10.1007/s11282-018-0314-3.
*坂本 信, 坂上勇太, 森清友亮, 亀田 剛, 小林公一, 坂井幸子. コーンビームCTによる前歯部の三次元自動歯軸および歯列決定法. ◯臨床バイオメカニクス. 2018; 39: 207-216.
*Hayashi-Sakai S, Sakamoto M, Hayashi T, Kondo T, Sugita K, Sakai J. Evaluation of permanent and primary enamel and dentin mineral density using micro-computed tomography.Oral Radiol. 2019; 35: 29-34. doi : 10.1007/s11282-018-0315-2.
*Nezu A, Morita T, Nagai T, Tanimura A. Simultaneous monitoring of Ca2+ responses and salivary secretion in live animals reveals a threshold intracellular Ca2+ concentration for salivation. ☆◎. 2019; 104: 61-69. doi : 10.1113/EP086868.