- Iwasaki S, Aoyagi H: Fluorescence immunohistochemistry in combination with DIC and transmission images of confocal LSM for studies of semi-ultrathin specimens of epoxy resin-embedded samples, In: Microscopy Book Series No. 4, Vol. 3; Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education (Eds. A. Mendez-Vilas & J. Diaz), pp. 2096-2102, 2011, Formatex, Badajoz, Spain.
- Iwasaki S, Aoyagi H: Fluorescence immunohistochemistry by confocal laser-scanning microscopy for studies of semi-ultrathin specimens of epoxy resin-embedded samples (Chapter 11), In: Laser Scanning, Theory and Applications (Ed. C.-C. Wang), pp. 195-214, 2011, Intech, Rijeka,Croatia.
- 笹川一郎:第10章 3 歯,日本獣医解剖学会編, 獣医組織学 第五版,141-145,学窓社,東京,2011.
- 笹川一郎:生きている化石で探る魚の歯の進化, 化石研究会編,化石から生命の謎を解く,恐竜から分子まで,200-211,朝日新聞出版,東京,2011.
- Iwasaki S, Aoyagi H, Yoshizawa H. Localization of type II collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae. Acta Zool 2011; 92: 67-74.
- Iwasaki S, Aoyagi H, Yoshizawa H. Localization of keratins 13 and 14 in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae. Acta Histochem 2011; 113: 395-401.
- Jackowiak H, Skieresz-Szewczyk K, Godynicki S, Iwasaki S, Meyer W. Functional morphology of the tongue in the domestic goose (Anser aner f. domestica). Anat Rec 2011; 294: 1574-1584.
- Iwasaki S, Yoshizawa H, Aoyagi H. Localization of type III collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of circumvallate papillae. Odontology 2011; 100: 10-21.
- Iwasaki S, Aoyagi H, Yoshizawa H. Immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of type VI collagen in the lingual mucosa of rats during the morphogenesis of filiform papillae. Acta Zool 2012; 93: 80-87.
- 小澤 誠、青柳秀一、渡邉文彦:ジルコニアへの陶材焼付界面の分析,日補綴会誌,2011; 3: 336-345.
- Soma H, Miyagawa Y. Development of metal-resin composite for dental magnet keepers, Part 2: Optimum 4-META content. Dent Mater J 2011; 30: 894-897.
- Shimomura-Kuroki J, Yamashita-Matsuda K, Miyagawa Y, Shimooka S. Prevalence of cariogenic and periodontopathic bacteria in Japanese children in the primary and mixed dentitions. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2011; 36: 31-36.
- Kameda T., Kameda A., Friction between appliances and wires in a new multibracket system. Part 1. friction between new brackets and wires,Journal of Begg Orthodontics, 2011; 33: 12-16.
- Kameda T., Kameda A., Friction between appliances and wires in a new multibracket system. Part 2. Friction between a new molar tube and wires, Journal of Begg Orthodontics, 2011; 33: 17-20.
- 亀田 剛, 飲食物に着色しにくいエラストメリックモジュールの開発, Journal of Begg Orthodontics, 2011; 33: 21-24 , 2011.
- Sasagawa I, Yokosuka H, Ishiyama M, Mikami M, Shimokawa H, Uchida T. Fine structural and immunohistochemical detection of collar enamel in the teeth of Polypterus senegalus, an actinopterygian fish. Cell and Tissue Research, 347, 369-381, 2012.
- 佐藤 聡,千葉朋義,坪川瑞樹:歯周組織のおける微小血管の加齢変化, 日本アンチエイジング歯科学会誌 2011 ; 4 : 17-21.
- Nakahara K, Matsunaga S, Abe S, Tamatsu Y, Kageyama I, Hashimoto M, Ide Y. Evaluation of the palatal bone for placement of orthodontic mini-implants in Japanese adults. Cranio. 2012 Jan;30(1):72-9.
- Kameda, T., New multibracket system with the newly developed brackets and a buccal tube. Part 1 - Its philosophy and strategy, Journal of Begg Orthodontics, 2011; 33: 3-6.
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- 亀田 剛:新型ブラケット/バッカルチューブを用いた新しいシステムの構築 第2報 - 新しい装置ができるまでの経緯, Journal of Begg Orthodontics, 2011; 33: 7-11.
- 亀田 剛, 新しいマルチブラケットシステムを用いた生体に優しい矯正治療 第1部 Beggテクニックのフィロソフィにとそれに基づく新システムの基本理念, 矯正歯科ジャーナル, 2011; 27:11-30.
- 亀田 剛, 新しいマルチブラケットシステムを用いた生体に優しい矯正治療 第2部 独創的な新しいマルチブラケット装置の誕生までの経緯, 矯正歯科ジャーナル, 2011; 27: 69-82.
- 亀田 剛, 新しいマルチブラケットシステムを用いた生体に優しい矯正治療 第3部 新しいマルチブラケットシステムの詳細とメカニズム, 矯正歯科ジャーナル, 2011; 27: 35-50.
- 亀田 剛, 新しいマルチブラケットシステムを用いた生体に優しい矯正治療 第4部 新しいマルチブラケットシステムを用いた歯の動きと治療の実際, 矯正歯科ジャーナル, 2012; 28: 11-26.
- 笹川一郎:魚類の歯の形成における細胞による結晶形成の制御, 化石研究会誌 43, 99-110, 2011.
- 中原 賢:口のふしぎと歯のふしぎ「上顎歯よりも下顎歯の治療中に痛がる患者さんが多いと思うのですが、理由があるのでしょうか?」, DHstyle 5 43, 99-110, 2011.
- 笹川一郎(分担):肉鰭類、迷歯類、爬虫類の特徴と系統、主竜形類、広弓類、魚鰭類、鳥類の歯、後藤仁敏、大泰司紀之、田畑純、花村肇、佐藤巌編、82-84、90-92、99-101、108-113、117-118、歯の比較解剖学、第二版、医歯薬出版、東京、2014、ISBN978-4-263-45779-5.
- 笹川一郎(分担):歯、日本獣医解剖学会編、144-149、獣医組織学、第六版、学窓社、東京、2014、ISBN978-4-87362-744-1.
- Kinoshita H, Nakahara K, Matsunaga S, Usami A, Yoshinari M, Takano N, Ide Y, Abe S: Association between the peri-implant bone structure and stress distribution around the mandibular canal: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. ☆Dent Mater J 2013: 32: 637-42.
- Sawada K, Nakahara K, Matsunaga S, Abe S, Ide Y: Evaluation of cortical bone thickness and root proximity at maxillary interradicular sites for mini-implant placement. ☆Clin Oral Implants Res 2013: 24 Supplement A100: 1-7.
- Makoto Tsuchimochi, Kazuhide Hayama, Michio Toyama, Ichiro Sasagawa and Norio Tsubokawa. Dual-modality imaging with 99mTc and fluorescent indocyanine green using surface-modified silica nanoparticles for biopsy of the sentinel lymph node: an animal study. ◎EJNMMI Research, 3:33, 2013. Doi:10.1186/2191-219X-3-33.
- Ibira Y, Yokosuka H, Haga-Tsujimura M, Yoshie S. Occurrence of gustducin- immunoreactive cells in von Ebner's glands of guinea pigs. ☆Histochem Cell Biol. 2013; 140: 567-574. doi 10.1007/s00418-013-1094-9(学位論文)
- Majima S, Ito-Kuwa S, Nagatomi R, Nakamura K. Study of the oral carriage of Candida sp. in dental students and staff - Identification of Candida sp. and background survey. ◯Oral Science International 2014;11:30-34.
- Mottini M, Wolf R, Soong PL, Lieger O, Nakahara K, Schaller B: The role of postoperative antibiotics in facial fractures: Comparing the efficacy of a 1-day versus a prolonged regimen. ☆J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014: 76: 720-4.
- Kawakammi M, Ishikawa H, Tachibana T, Tanaka A, Mataga I: Functional transplantation of salivary gland cells differentiated from mouse early ES cells in vitro. ☆Human Cell26:80-90,2013.
- Kazuhide Hayama, Makoto Tsuchimochi, Haruka Yamaguchi, Takaaki Oda, Mikiko Sue, Ayako Kameta Yoshihiko Sasaki.Dynamic analysis of technetium-99m HMDP accumulation and its effect on regional bone metabolism and bone blood flow in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw,☆Oral Radiology 2013;29:135-139, doi 10.1007/s11282-013-0146-0.
- Minako Suzuki, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Miyuki Kawakami, Taka Nakahara, Akira Tanaka, and Izumi Mataga:Establishment and characterization of METON myoepithelioma cell line derived from human palatal myoepithelioma : apical reference to the diverse differentiation potential.◎☆Human Cell 2013;26:170-176.
- Ichiro Sasagawa, Mikio Ishiyama, Hiroyuki Yokosuka and Masato Mikami. Teeth and ganoid scales in Polypterus and Lepisosteus, the basic actinopterygian fish: An approach to understand the origin of the tooth enamel. ◎Journal of Oral Biosciences, 55, 76-84, 2013. Doi: org /10.1016/ j.job. 2013.04.00
【著 書】
辻村麻衣子: インプラント周囲骨の形成と骨リモデリング, 脇田 稔,前田健康,中村浩彰,網塚憲 編,口腔組織・発生学,2版, 医歯薬出版株式会社,東京, 2014.
【原 著】
Sasagawa I, Ishiyama M, Yokosuka H, Mikami M, Shimokawa H, Uchida T. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses of collar enamel in the jaw teeth of gars, Lepisosteus oculatus, an actinopterygian fish. Connective Tissue Res. 2014;55:225-233.
Aoyagi H, Iwasaki S, Nakamura K. Three-dimensional observation of mouse tongue muscles using micro-computed tomography. Odontology. 2015;103:1-8.
Kazama-Koide M, Ohkuma K, Ogura H, Miyagawa Y. A new method for fabricating zirconia copings using a Nd:YVO4 nanosecond laser. Dent Mater J. 2014;33:422-429.
Kawase T, Kamiya M, Hayama K, Nagata M, Okuda K, Yoshie H, Burns DM, Tsuchimochi M, Nakata K. X-ray and ultraviolet C irradiation-induced ν-H2AX and p53 formation in normal human periosteal cells in vitro: markers for quality control in cell therapy. Cytotherapy, 2015;17:112-123.
中原賢, 羽下-辻村麻衣子: 歯科界の潮流 「海外歯科研究の動向」高齢化する世界へのアプローチ, 歯学, 102(春季特別号): 70-73, 2015.
中原賢:海外歯科あれこれ スイス・ベルン大学編, 日本歯科大学 校友会・歯学会会報, 39 : 50-51, 2014.
川上 未有希:マウスearly ES細胞から分化誘導した唾液腺細胞の細胞移植に関する検討, 日本歯科大学 校友会・歯学会会報,秋季特集,102:41-42,2014.
【原 著】
*Aoyagi H, Iwasaki S, Asami T. Three-Dimensional Architecture of the Mouse Tongue Muscles Using Micro-CT with a Focus on the Longitudinal Muscles. ◯◇Surgical Science. 2015; 6: 187-197. doi : 10.4236/ss.2015.65030.
*Aoyagi H, Iwasaki S, Asami T. Three-Dimensional Architecture of the Mouse Tongue Muscles Using Micro-CT with a Focus on the Transverse, Vertical, and Genioglossus Muscles. ◯◇Surgical Science. 2015; 6: 353-368. doi : 10.4236/ss.2015.68053.
*Igarashi K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Kobayashi E, Watanabe F. Hard and soft tissue responses to three different implant materials in a dog model. ☆◎Dent Mater J. 2015; 34: 692-701. doi : 10.4012/dmj.2014-361. (学位論文)
Caballé-Serrano J, Sawada K, Schuldt Filho G, Bosshardt DD, Buser D, *Gruber R. Bone Conditioned Medium: preparation and bioassay. ☆◎◇J Vis Exp. 2015; 101: e52707-. doi : 10.3791/52707.
Schuldt Filho G, Caballé-Serrano J, Sawada K, Bosshardt DD, Bianchini MA, Buser D. Conditioned medium of demineralized freeze-dried bone activates gene expression in periodontal fibroblasts in vitro. ☆◎J Periodontol. 2015; 86: 827-834. doi : 10.1902/jop.2015.140676.
Sawada K, Caballé-Serrano J, Schuldt Filho G, Bosshardt DD, Schaller B, Buser D. Thermal processing of bone: in vitro response of mesenchymal cells to bone-conditioned medium. ☆◎Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015; 44: 1060-1066. doi : 10.1016/j.ijom.2015.03.012.
Sawada K, Caballé-Serrano J, Bosshardt DD, Schaller B, Miron RJ, Buser D. Antiseptic solutions modulate the paracrine-like activity of bone chips: differential impact of chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite. ☆◎J Clin Periodontol. 2015; 42: 883-891. doi : 10.1111/jcpe.12447.
*Imai A, Tsujimura M, Yoshie S, Fukuda M. The small GTPase Rab33A participates in regulation of amylase release from parotid acinar cells. ☆◎Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015; 461: 469-474. doi : 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.04.022.
*Schaller B, Saulacic N, Imwinkelried T, Beck S, Liu EW, Gralla J, Nakahara K (7th) (9 authors). In vivo degradation of magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis implant systems: Soft and hard tissue response in a calvarial model in miniature pigs. ☆◎J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2016; 44: 309-317. doi : 10.1016/j.jcms.2015.12.009.
Sawada K, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Kobayashi E, Schaller B, *Miron RJ. Effects of antiseptic solutions commonly used in dentistry on bone viability, bone morphology and release of growth factors. ☆◎J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016; 74: 247-254. doi : 10.1016/j.joms.2015.09.029.
【著 書】
1) 笹川一郎 (分担) : 第10章消化器系、3.歯. 日本獣医解剖学会編 : 獣医組織学. 7版, 学窓社, 東京, 2017, 142-147. 978-4-87362-754-0.
【原 著】
*Sasagawa I, Oka S, Mikami M, Yokosuka H, Ishiyama M, Imai A. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses of ganoine in the ganoid scales of Lepisosteus oculatus, an actinopterygian fish. ☆Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2016; 326B: 193-209. doi : 10.1002/jez.b.22676.
*Saulacic N, Nakahara K, Iizuka T, Haga-Tsujimura M, Hofstetter W, Scolozzi P. Comparison of two protocols of periosteal distraction osteogenesis in a rabbit calvaria model. ☆◎J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2016; 104: 1121-1131. doi : 10.1002/jbm.b.33461.
Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, *Saulacic N. Periosteum-induced Bone Formation by Distraction Osteogenesis: Histologic and Microcomputed Tomography Analysis. ☆◎Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016; 31: 785-792. doi : 10.11607/jomi.4316.
Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Sawada K, Kobayashi E, Mottini M, Schaller B. Single-staged vs. two-staged implant placement using bone ring technique in vertically deficient alveolar ridges - Part 1: histomorphometric and micro-CT analysis. ☆◎Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016; 27: 1384-1391. doi : 10.1111/clr.1275.
Schaller B, Saulacic N, *Beck S, Imwinkelried T, Goh BT, Nakahara K. In vivo degradation of a new concept of magnesium-based rivet-screws in the minipig mandibular bone. ☆◎Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2016; 69: 247-254. doi : 10.1016/j.msec.2016.06.085.
Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Sawada K, Kobayashi E, Schaller B, Zhang Y, *Miron RJ. Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 (rhBMP9) Induced Osteoblastic Behavior on a Collagen Membrane Compared With rhBMP2.. ☆◎J Periodontol.. 2016; 87: e101-e107. doi : 10.1902/jop.2016.150561..
Kobayashi E, Flückiger L, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Sawada K, Sculean A, Schaller B. Comparative release of growth factors from PRP, PRF, and advanced-PRF.. ☆◎Clin Oral Investig.. 2016; 20: 2353-2360. doi : 10.1007/s00784-016-1719-1. .
Sawada K, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Kobayashi E, Brömme JO, Schaller B, *Miron RJ. In vitro effects of 0 to 120 Grays of irradiation on bone viability and release of growth factors.. ☆◎◇BMC Oral Health.. 2016; 17: 4. doi : 10.1186/s12903-016-0241-9..
Cvikl B, Lussi A, Moritz A, Sawada K, *Gruber R. Differential inflammatory response of dental pulp explants and fibroblasts to saliva.. ☆◎Int Endod J.. 2016; 49: 655-662. doi : 10.1111/iej.12493..
Sawada K, Miron RJ, Leiser D, Caballé-Serrano J, Bosshardt DD, Schaller B. High-dose irradiation of bone chips preserves the in vitro activity of bone-conditioned medium.. ☆◎J Oral Sci.. 2016; 58: 325-331. doi : 10.2334/josnusd.16-0042..
小澤誠, 上田一彦, 廣安一彦, 中村雅裕, 五十嵐健輔, 瀬戸宗嗣. 超音波骨切削器具の違いによる切削効率と切削面積および騒音の比較. ◯日本口腔インプラント学会誌. 2016; 29: 167-172. doi : 10.11237/jsoi.29.167.
Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Sawada K, Mottini M, Schaller B, Saulacic N. Effects of collagen membrane application and cortical bone perforation on de novo bone formation in periosteal distraction: an experimental study in a rabbit calvaria. ☆◎Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2017; 123: 173-182. doi : 10.1016/j.oooo.2016.09.012.
Caballé-Serrano J, Sawada K, Miron RJ, Bosshardt DD, Buser D, *Gruber R. Collagen barrier membranes adsorb growth factors liberated from autogenous bone chips.. ☆◎Clin Oral Implants Res.. 2017; 28: 236-241. doi : 10.1111/clr.12789..
【原 著】
*Kawasaki K, Mikami M, Nakatomi M, Braasch I, Batzel P, Postlethwait J E, Sasagawa I (8th) (9 authors). SCPP genes and their ancestors in gar: Rapid expansion of mineralization genes in osteichthyans. ☆◎J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol). 2017; 328B: 645-665. doi : 10.1002/jez.b.22755.
*Oka S, Sasagawa I, Ishiyama M. Histochemical and immunohistochemical examination of odontoblasts (petroblasts) in petrodentine formation of lungfish. ☆◎Archs Oral Biol. 2017; 83C: 222-229. doi : 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2017.07.025.
*Mishima H, Kakei M, Sasagawa I, Miake Y. Nature of apatite crystals in the tooth of Eusthenopteron from Devonian. 〇J Hard Tissue Biology. 2017; 26: 399-403.
Yamaguchi H, Hayama K, Sasagawa I, Okada Y, Kawase T, Tsubokawa N. HER2-targeted multifunctional silica nanoparticles specifically enhance the radiosensitivity of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. . ☆◎Int J Mol Sci. 2018; 19: doi : 10.3390/ijms19030908.
Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Sawada K, Mottini M, Schaller B, Saulacic N. Periosteal distraction osteogenesis versus immediate periosteal elevation in a rat model: Histological and micro-CT analysis. ☆◎J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017; 45: 620-627. doi : 10.1016/j.jcms.2017.01.030.
Schaller B, Saulacic N, Beck S, Imwinkelried T, Liu BWY, Nakahara K. Osteosynthesis of partial rib osteotomy in a miniature pig model using human standard-sized magnesium plate/screw systems: Effect of cyclic deformation on implant integrity and bone healing. ☆◎J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017; 45: 862-871. doi : 10.1016/j.jcms.2017.03.018.
Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Sawada K, Kobayashi E, Schaller B, Saulacic N. Single-staged vs. two-staged implant placement in vertically deficient alveolar ridges using bone ring technique - Part 2: implant osseointegration. ☆◎Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017; 28: e31-e38. doi : 10.1111/clr.12851.
Sawada K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Iizuka T, *Miron RJ. Effect of Irrigation Time of Antiseptic Solutions on Bone Cell Viability and Growth Factor Release.. ☆◎J Craniofac Surg.. 2018; 29: 376-381. doi : 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004089..
Takada M, Suzuki M, Haga-Tsujimura M, Shinkai K. Effect of adhesive system application for cavities prepared with erbium, chromium: yttrium scandium gallium garnet laser on rat dental pulp tissue. ☆◎Odontology. 2017; 105: 300-310. doi : 10.1007/s10266-016-0278-x. (学位論文)
Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Sawada K, Kobayashi E, Schaller B, Zhang Y, *Miron RJ. Osteogenic potential of rhBMP9 combined with a bovine-derived natural bone mineral scaffold compared to rhBMP2.. ☆◎Clin Oral Implants Res.. 2017; 28: 381-387. doi : 10.1111/clr.12804..
【著 書】
1) Sasagawa I, Oka S, Mikami M, Yokosuka H, Ishiyama M (分担) : Immunolocalization of enamel matrix protein-like proteins in the tooth enameloid of actinopterygian bony fish. Endo K, Kogure T, Nagasawa H : Biomineralization, From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science. 1, Springer Open, Singapore., 2018, 167-175. ISBN 978-981-13-1001-0.
【原 著】
Haga-Tsujimura M, Nakahara K, Kobayashi E, Igarashi K, Schaller B, Saulacic N. Single-staged implant placement using bone ring technique with and without membrane placement: An experimental study in the Beagle dog. ☆◎Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018; 29: 263-276. doi : 10.1111/clr.13111.
Igarashi K, Nakahara K, Kobayashi E, Watanabe F, *Haga-Tsujimura M. Hard and soft tissue responses to implant made of three different materials with microgrooved collar in a dog model. ☆◎Dent Mater J. 2018; 37: 964-972. doi : 10.4012/dmj.2017-197.
*Sawada K, Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Igarashi K. Comparison of three block bone substitutes for bone regeneration: long-term observation in the beagle dog. ☆◎Odontology. 2018; 106: 398-407. doi : 10.1007/s10266-018-0352-7.
Igarashi K, Afrashtehfar KI. Clinical assessment of fractured implant abutment screws: The Bernese silicone replica technique. ☆◎Journal of prosthetic dentistry. 2018; 119: 717-719. doi : 10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.08.005.
*Katagiri H, Fukui K, Nakamura K, Tanaka A. Systemic hematogenous dissemination of mouse oral candidiasis is induced by oral mucositis. ☆◎Odontology. 2018; 106: 389-397. doi : 10.1007/s10266-018-0366-1. (学位論文)
Ogura I, Nakahara K, Sasaki Y, Sue M, Oda T. Usefulness of shear wave elastography in the diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases. ◯Imaging Sci Dent. 2018; 48: 161-165. doi : 10.5624/isd.2018.48.3.161.
Ogura I, Nakahara K, Sasaki Y, Sue M, Oda T. Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Odontogenic Keratocysts: Preliminary Study on Usefulness of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps for Characterization of Normal Structures and Lesions. ◯Chin J Dent Res. 2019; 22: 51-56. doi : 10.3290/j.cjdr.a41775.
Afrashtehfar KI, Braegger U, Igarashi K, Belser UC. A modified technique for the intraoral assessment of static occlusal contacts. ☆◎Journal of prosthetic dentistry. 2018; 119: 909-911. doi : 10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.10.006.
Mercouriadis-Howald A, Rollier N, Tada S, Mckenna G, Igarashi K, Schimmel M. Loss of natural abutment teeth with cast copings retaining overdentures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ☆◎Journal of prosthodontic research. 2018; 62: 407-415. doi : 10.1016/j.jpor.2018.05.002.
ITI Research Grant (No. 896_2013)(継続), 2013年7月-2015年7月, Comparing autogenous cortical bone in vertical augmentation and single-stage implant placement to staged-procedure, A dog study, Nakahara K(代表), Saulacic N, Haga-Tsujimura M, Sawada K, Schaller B, Iizuka T, 本年度1,705,302円(総取得額 5,157,550円: ITI 3,789,560円, Straumann AG 1,367,990円).
DENTSPLY Implants Investigator initiated studies (I-AN-14-036)(新規), 2014年4月-2015年12月,Saulacic N(代表), Nakahara K, Haga-Tsujimura M, Iizuka T, Augmentation techniques in vertical alveolar defects for single-stage implant placements: A comparative animal study, 本年度1,742,000円(総取得額 1,742,000円).
日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)(新規), 2年,各臓器由来線維芽細胞と体性幹細胞の各種線維芽細胞由来臓器再生に関する研究, 川上未有希(代表),本年度 2,000,000円(総取得額 2,900,000 円).
日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)(継続), 2011-2014年度,インプラント周囲骨の生物学的安定性に関する3次元的検証, 辻村麻衣子(羽下麻衣子)(代表), 本年度 期間延長により昨年度の繰り越し (総取得額 4,160,000 円) .
日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C) (継続), 2012-2014年度,唾液腺腺房細胞の開口分泌に関わる分子の発現と動態解析,今井あかね(代表),梨田智子,吉江紀夫,辻村麻衣子, 本年度 910,000円(総取得額 5,330,000円).
日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金,基盤研究(C)(一般) (継続),affibodyを用いたセンチネルリンパ節転移細胞の蛍光イメージング,土持 眞(代表),羽山和秀(連携),坪川紀夫(連携), 吉江紀夫(連携),亀田綾子(連携),平成26年度 1950千円 (総額:5330千円).